Transforming Beer Waste Into Lithium-ion Battery Electrodes.

Did you know that you can get lithium-ion battery electrodes from beer? Yes, beer and lithium-ion battery electrodes!

Although this does not seem correlative, but tell that to the Boulder's research team in the University of Colorado.

This team has developed a new bio-manufacturing process that can basically turn a beer's wastewater into a fungal pool for growing "one of the most efficient naturally-derived lithium-ion battery electrodes", according to Science Daily.

Tyler Huggins,a graduate student of CU Boulder's Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering and lead author of the new study, said "the wastewater is ideal for our fungus to flourish in, so we are happy to take it."

Seeing a future in this new innovation, Huggins and his co-authors have created "Emergy", a Boulder-based company aimed at commercializing the technology. Huggins said "We see large potential for scaling because there's nothing required in this process that isn't already available".

Source: University of Colorado, Science Daily.
