Samsung Blesses Apple Inc. With 5-7million Switchers.

What more can you say when the plans of your opponents to outshine you now leads to your increment?
What more can you say when the plans of your opponents to outshine you now leads to your increment?

In a race to overthrow the phone making business and to beat Apple Inc., iPhone 7 with its latest flagship (Galaxy Note 7), Samsung has indirectly turned to a blessing for its close competitor, by adding to the list of iPhone 7 consumers in this year, and probably for years to come.

A new report from International Data Corporation (IDC), with the view to determine the impact of Samsung’s recall of its defective smartphone, the Galaxy Note 7, a survey shows around half of those affected plan to switch to an iPhone.

Some key results from the survey include:
1. Half of the 24 Note 7 owners polled said they have or will choose an Apple iPhone to replace their recalled phone, while 17% said they would choose another Samsung.
2. Most said they will return their phone through a carrier's physical store. The Note 7 recall doesn't appear to be harming the broader Samsung brand so far. A majority of respondents said it would not impact future decisions to buy other, non-smartphone Samsung products such as televisions and appliances.
3. Survey participants' view of Samsung's response to the Note 7 recall was largely neutral to positive; surprisingly about 13% hadn't heard about the recall when polled.

While IDC with its report concludes that Apple is at least in some way a beneficiary from the exploding device whose sales & production has been halted, Apple sanctimoniously said during its recent Q4 earnings call that it (the exploding device's recall) currently was not a factor as it is already shipping as many phones as it can make. However, the company later mentioned a record number of Android switchers during Q4, which paints a different picture for a possible long-term benefit from the Note 7 recall.

IDC surveyed 1,082 U.S. consumers through an online survey on October 17th and 18th, four days after Samsung decided to halt sale & production on the Note 7. The survey focused on three groups of consumers: Current Samsung smartphone owners (507), Past Samsung smartphone owners (347), and Smartphone owners who have never owned the Samsung brand (228). Due to the limited installed base, just 24 Note 7 users were captured in the survey; as such, data in those questions should be viewed as directional only.

Also, according to 9to5Mac, an estimate from analysts at KGI predicted that Apple could benefit from around 5-7 million users switching to iPhone 7 following the Note 7 recall. That number is somewhat in tally with the survey from IDC today, with the 5-7 million switchers representing around half of the approximately 12 million Note 7 orders.

"The Note 7 recall along with all its repercussions, represents a significant event in the world of consumer electronics," said Anthony Scarsella , research manager, Mobile Phones, IDC.
