Facebook is at it again o!
The social media giant is planning another cool way to sweep you off your feet, win your heart and make you feel closer to your friends no matter the distance.
How does Facebook plan on achieving that? With the incorporation of the VR Emoji into Facebook, it hopes to create a virtual presence, using an animated avatar in place of one’s actual self, mimicking the users' facial expression and body language, instead of the regular yellow faced emojis we are use to on our phones.
The avatars will change according to body movement, with certain gestures triggering facial cues. Michael Booth, Facebook, Head of Social VR, stated that, "Our avatars can display emotions and expressions like “smiling,” “confused,” “skeptical,” or “listening.” This makes it easier for people to communicate how they’re feeling,”
Techcrunch reported that when you shake your fist, your VR avatar’s face will turn angry, put your hands on your face Home Alone-style and your VR gives an expression of shock. Triumphantly thrust your hands in the air and your virtual self’s face will show “joy.”
Source: Techcrunch
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