Your Dog Can Now Communicate With You Through This Smart Collar.

The Dog, Man's first best friend, is now said to have the ability to communicate with you in ways you can understand, not just by barking, whimpering or wagging of its tail. "Did I just read that dog can now communicate with humans?", I presume that question just ran through your mind!

Well, thanks to a biologist in Japan, no more lapse of understanding between you and your favorite dog. With the creation of  ‘INUPATHY’ collar, you can monitor the exact moods of your dog and properly care for it. The collar monitors heart rhythms and displays a color that coincides with specific feelings: happy, calm, excited, or concentrating.

Co-creator Joji Yamaguchi states that the inspiration for INUPATHY came from his desire to understand his dog’s emotions better. According to Nextweb, the device was said to be tested by attaching the collar on a dog and placing the dog together with a cat. During the testing process, what he found was that the collar lit up red while barking at cats. However, with dogs, the bark was considered less aggressive as the collar did not display the same color.

INUPATHY is a combination of the word “inu” (dog in Japanese) and empathy. It works by measuring a dog’s heart rate through Heart Rate Variation Analysis. Through an algorithm, the system will be able to approximate the dog’s current emotion based on recorded patterns. It’s certainly an innovative proposition for dog lovers who have dreamed of learning more about their beloved companions apart from deciphering whines and wagging tails.
The INUPATHY system also allows users to record readings from the activities that they engage in with their pets through “Play mode.” This will help them find out what activities the dog enjoys more on a smartphone using the dedicated app. Users will also have cloud access to keep track of activities as well as connect with other INUPATHY users and their pets.

 I am verily impressed at where technology is leading us to...A time and place where almost everything becomes perfect. For dog lovers like me, this brilliant innovation will help us understand and care for our dogs better.
