Memory sticks, also known as thumb drives or USBs, are sometimes used to spread malicious software from computer to computer.
Ignorance they say is no excuse. You may not know, but now you know. Beware of malicious USB drives!
This may not have gotten to your country, likewise it has not gotten to my country, but it is pertinent that you take cautious.
Only insert into your laptop or computer a USB drive that is trusted - the person who's USB you want to use is verily known and trusted. Also, do not give or transfer your USB drive to an unknown person or someone you are not familiar with, so as not to risk your computer being hacked or destroyed by your very USB drive.
These are basic tips to be adhered to if you really value your computer.
It is reported by CNET that a person (s) have been dropping malicious USB drives in mailboxes around Victoria, Australia. Also, the State Police on Wednesday issued an international warning, saying these USB drives which started showing up some days ago are "believed to be extremely harmful," urging the public not to use them. "Upon inserting the USB drives into their computers victims have experienced fraudulent media streaming offers, as well as other serious issues," the statement read.
A University of Manchester doctoral student Nikola Milosevic, who studied the history of malware said in an email that, "the technique of dropping a malicious USB somewhere and hoping someone will pick it up and plug it in has long been favored by spies to hack into hard-to-reach computers. Also, people are more likely to put USB stick into their computer than click a link or open file sent by the unknown person. This type of attack has the potential to have a high success rate."
To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Say No To Unknown USB Drives!
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